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Developers /
Some Ideas

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 41

18 December 2011, 7:07

Hello All,


During our development upon Mahara, we have noticed the following issues that we think it must be highlighted. As follows

  1. We a user sends another user a message with no content (i.e empty message), it can't be marked as read.

  2. Users can send messages to them selfs by changing the url parmeters “id” to their id.

  3. Minor issue in the translation file group.php:“notallowedtoeditinteractions”, but it is used as “notallowedtoeditinteraction” in mahara/group/interactions.php (without the 's'), see around line 39: throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('notallowedtoeditinteraction', 'group'));

  4. We noticed that when you remove a friend or deny friendship request, a notification is sent to the other user telling him/her that you removed/denied friendship. What the logic behinde doing such action, please advice?

  5. We are confused with “Disable mulit blogs” in the “account” section, althoguh we tried it many times it seems it allows users to create mulitblogs.

    Best Regards,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

18 December 2011, 15:17

Hello Mohammad,

Thank you very much for finding things that may not be entirely correct. Could you please file bug reports for them and include the Mahara version that you are using? That way they can be tracked more easily.

In regard to the multiple blogs: They are just disabled. It means that if you had multiple blogs before, they are still there, just hidden. Blogs aren't deleted unless you do it yourself. As it is a default setting, a user could always enable multiple blogs.



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