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Exporting site page to a seperate environment

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Account deleted
Posts: 15

15 November 2011, 9:51

I was wondering if any-one has any clever ideas for moving a large batch of site views (around 20) in a Mahara 1.3.3 site to a completely seperate Mahara 1.4 site.

The only practical way of doing I can see is to:

  1. Enable copying in each of the views on Mahara 1.3.3
  2. Create a dummy account in Mahara 1.3.3
  3. Copy each of the pages to the dummy account
  4. Export the dummy account
  5. Import the dummy account into Mahara 1.4
  6. Copy all the pages to the Site Pages area one-by-one

I can't find any other obvious way of exporting site pages. I've tested the method above and it will work, but it just seems really long winded.

Thanks in advance for any help any-one can give,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

15 November 2011, 16:22

Hello Mike,

Unfortunately, I am not aware of any other more automatic way of doing that.



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