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Data import to existing account?

sean mcclelland's profile picture
Posts: 31

08 November 2011, 12:07


I have data (Pages, collections, etc.) in our "staging" instance of Mahara that I'd like to export, then import into my profile in our "live" instance of Mahara. I see there is an option to export to HTML or Leap2A, but I'm unclear about importing. The only information I've found so far, says I have to create a whole new user account to import data:

Can I import data into an exisiting user account? And if so, does it wipe out all existing data in that account? Should I export to HTML or Leap2A for this process?

Thank you!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

08 November 2011, 13:46

Hello Sean,

Currently, there is no possibility to import pages from one portfolio into another without going through the copying of pages. Richard Mansfield and I were talking a bit about that a while back and had put together

At the moment you would have to export your existing portfolio in its entirety or just the pages you want in Leap2A format. Then you import it into the other Mahara as a new user, make your pages copyable and copy them into your other account.

If you use blogs, you need to change the block settings in the page so that the blog is also copied into your account.



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