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Mahara - User Guide wiki

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 11

20 November 2011, 5:18

Well done, Kristina and thanks for the tip. Smile

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 29

20 November 2011, 14:12

That's really crisp < >! I had reviewed certain areas and the layout is really "fresh and clean!" Nice job!


Allison Miller's profile picture
Posts: 20

20 November 2011, 15:22

Many thanks Kristina Cool - love your work....

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

21 November 2011, 12:54

Hello all,

Thank you very much. I am quite excited about moving the documentation along. Once I am done I also want to include references to other tutorials, in particular screencasts. Thus, if your tutorial is not yet listed at please feel free to add it or make sure that your YouTube video is tagged "mahara".



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