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In need of some direction

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 4

12 September 2011, 19:51

Can someone point me in the right direction to learn how to pull a random user and display them in the dashboard view?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

15 September 2011, 17:58

or not....

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

16 September 2011, 18:43

Hello David,

Do you mean in yhe sense of featuring somebody on everybody's Dashboard? The dashboard is customizable by each user, i.e. he can take blocks away and put others in. He can also hide the three boxes with the quick links.

As I am not a programmer, I can't give you information on how to write a dashboard block. You may find some helpful tips in where the removal and changing the default dashboard are discussed.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

16 September 2011, 19:47

Thanks for th einfo, I am refering to the index page. I would like to create a block and then deisplay a random user, photo, video, discussion and group. this would be done with several blocks.. I am pretty dense when it comes to programming.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

17 September 2011, 21:53

Hello David,

I hope that one of the developers can hint at something. Though I suspect that it won't be something easy to do for either you or me with our lack of programming. You could ask a Mahara development partner to develop the feature. Dirk Meyer wrote an article on how he has had a few isolated items developed in the last newsletter (direct link to the full article).



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

18 September 2011, 10:33

It's more of a matter of finding the correct documentation for me to look over. Once I have what I need I can typically acheive my goals.

I just need the following:

The structure that is needed for the index page, how does mahara make DB calls and how does it print the information on the screen.




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