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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Error when using moodle restore

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 5

21 July 2011, 5:41


      we have found a problem that appears to be associated with the Mahara assignment mnet module. When using  restore  (curernt course, deleting it first). The process throws an error at this point..

  • Deleting old data

 Function mahara_delete_instance() dosen't exist!

An error occurred while deleting some of the course contents.

And at the end...

An error has occurred and the restore could not be completed!

This results in the 'restored' page being completely devoid of content and blocks... not good! Once the module is removed the restore process works fine?

I remember my colleague Roger Emery was advised to create an empty lib.php file in order to get the mod to work in the first place as moodle expects to find on and will not install if it is missing; I have added an empty  function mahara_delete_instance () and this seems to resolve the issue.

I am however still seeing debugging messages "Table 'moodle.mdl_mahara' doesn't exist" as I assume moodle is expecting to find this in order to run through it's restore routine? Any advise on these issues would be appriciated as it would be good to know exactly why they exist and the full ramifications.

Kindest Regards Daran

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

21 July 2011, 15:28

Hello Daran,

I can't give you any coding advice, but just want to let you know that this plugin has not seen any attention for a long time, i.e. since Mahara 1.2. Thus, if you try using it with 1.3 or 1.4 you may run into trouble. The plugin is not maintained.

But hopefully, a user of the plugin can help you out.

I keep my fingers crossed.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 5

25 July 2011, 5:06

Hi Kristina,

                     thanks for your reply. We shall keep it in mind that it is not maintained, it may be better not to offer a functionality that may not work in the mid term! Thanks again...

Kindest Regards Daran

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