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Error adding Moodle as an institution

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 214

21 July 2011, 5:20

Cheers - I've had a look at them and everything seems correct.

It really does look like there's some kind of issue with connecting between the mahara and moodle.

Given that you've confirmed that you can wget and telnet the moodle site from the mahara site, can you try the following from the server:

wget --verbose http://moodle.yoursite/mnet/xmlrpc/server.php

If that comes back successfully, then could you add some debugging to lib/web.php in mahara:

Line 3052 add a:




Please obfuscate any usernames and passwords in there before pasting them in ;)

As I say, the only thing that Mahara does it to set a maximum timeout, redirect configuration, etc before just asking curl to go and get the data. The only thing which could be getting in the way as I see it are a misconfiguration of your web server (e.g. ACLs preventing your mahara host from accessing that path), incorrect proxy settings somewhere, a firewall issue (which we've already ruled out), or some other kind of bizarre web server configuration (e.g. too many redirects).


Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

21 July 2011, 5:54


wget --verbose comes back with a response and after amending the web.php file and trying to re-add insitution, nothing comes back on the log file (as you were hoping for).


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 214

21 July 2011, 5:57

In which case, I'm afraid that I'm stumped!

I'll have a think and chat with my colleagues and see if they have any other ideas.

I don't suppose you have another mahara/moodle test system you can test with to help us track down where the error is?



Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

21 July 2011, 6:03

I don't have a test system I'm afraid Andrew (in process of setting that up over the summer along with several other things before the curricular staff and students come back).

One thing I did notice earlier was that entering just Mahara into my URL got me to a login page and I was able to log in to Mahara, but when clicking on any links here it took me to my '' and needed me to log in again.

I'll have to speak to my IT guy when he's back tomorrow to see if there's something not quite right in the setup.

Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

25 July 2011, 10:14


Turns out that through all the checks that we (IT person and me) had done, we had been checking for proxies on the server itself.

Once we realised that there are proxy settings in the software of both Moodle and Mahara and deleted these, I was able to add in my Moodle site as an Institution.

Thanks for all your help.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 214

26 July 2011, 5:48

Hi Wullie,

So glad that you managed to get it working! I was racking my brain trying to work out what the problem could be. Sorry for not making the Proxy suggestions clearer before!


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

26 July 2011, 6:23

Hi Wullie and Andrew,

Fantastic that you could get your Mahoodle to work. Do you think this suggestion to check the proxy settings in Moodle and Mahara should be added to the installation guide that IƱaki did?



Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

26 July 2011, 7:34

Not necessarily because some people may want the proxy to be there (ours probably weren't set correctly, but as they weren't really needed we just removed them).

Maybe an FAQ's/Known Issues/Solutions, either at the top of this forum or at the back of the guide would be a better solution

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 214

26 July 2011, 7:41

I think it would be useful to mention it -- if your server is behind a proxy server, you probably already know about it and know what a proxy server is. If you don't know, then you'd probably ignore that bit anyway ;)


Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

26 July 2011, 8:31

Unless your IT team put the proxy on when installing/setting up the software and you didn't know about it ;)