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Moodle 2.3 and Mahara 1.4

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 72

06 July 2011, 22:10


I've upgraded to Moodle 2.3 and to my relief the Mahara 1.3 functions all appear to be still working (yay).  Anyone tried upgrading Mahara to 1.4 with Moodle 2.3 yet?



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

07 July 2011, 1:19


I am using moodle2.0.3 and mahara 1.4.0. It's installation guide suggets SSO should be configured to integrate the moodle and mahara.

is it necessary to configure SSO or we can  do the integration without SSO?

07 July 2011, 2:11


The Single Sign On (SSO) connection between Moodle and Mahara is provide by the Moodle Network feature (aka mnet).

You need to - stricly - follow the procedures described here ( to ensure this feature woks.

Then you will be able to smoothly connect users from Moodle to Mahara (or the oposite) and to push material from the VLE into the Portfolio.

For any issue setting up this, please refer to the number of posts on this subject in the "Moodle Mahara integration" forum ( and don't hesitate to come back into the latest and ask your question.


07 July 2011, 2:02

Hi Richard,

Waa you are already using 2.3 :-)

Ok I mean you are on 2.0.3 and I strongly suggest you move to 2.1 soon for security and features reason. The most important is the ability to import Moodle 1.9 backuped course into 2.1, which is not possible with 2.0.x.

I confirm that upgrading Mahoodle from 1.3 Mahara -> 1.9 Moodle to 1.3  -> 2.x works fine. It is still working fine with Mahara 1.4 to which I also recommand you to upgrade, if you don't need some non-core extension which only works on 1.3.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

07 July 2011, 5:47

Hi Dajan

Yes, I upgraded to Moodle 2.3 yesterday and all seems OK (except the backups started running every cron for some reason - but that's another story/forum/website).  Anyway the export functions seem to work the same.

I will upgrade to Mahara 1.4 (on the test site first) but just wanted to know if there were any things to watch for.  I'll post back as we will use it next week with real students.

You may not be able to answer this question but with two open source projects working independently - or semi-independently - how will you ever get together with the concept of full interoperability as seems to be envisioned?  I mean submitting a Mahara view as a Moodle assignment or using a Moodle private file in a Mahara view (?) and so on.  Do you have some kind of agreement not to break each others systems with unilateral upgrades?


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

07 July 2011, 6:44

Hello Richard,

When you upgrade Mahara, please have read the upgrade wiki page if you haven't already done so.

In terms of your other question (I hope I understand it correctly): There is no guarantee that an upgrade of one software doesn't break something in the other software. However, Moodle and Mahara developers talk to each other and are aware of the big picture. For example, Moodle's decision to discontinue MNet with version 2.3 was made known some months ago and thus allows both development teams to find a solution for the future.

I think that open source software projects can react better to changes in a (sister) open source software as such changes do not happen suddenly, but can already be viewed during the development process as the code is freely available. Compare that to a proprietary system and the story is a different one: an update on the proprietary software is made without announcement / prior warning and other things break.



07 July 2011, 8:33

Kristina, where is your reference about discontinuing mnet by ?

I didn't find anything in the forums or wikis, yet.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

07 July 2011, 14:40

Hello dajan,

It's here:



07 July 2011, 16:33

Interesting forum. Thank you Kristina


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

07 July 2011, 17:45

Thanks Kristina

Well the last upgrade of Mahara went smoothly enough so, fingers crossed. 


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