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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Moodle 2.3 and Mahara 1.4

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Paul Nijbakker's profile picture
Posts: 10

02 July 2012, 6:02

Hi all,

We are a few weeks away from an actual upgrade to Moodle 2.3 (i.e. not 2.0.3) and we are worried about the Mahara assignment. In Moodle 2.3 the assignment module has been thoroughly rewritten. I wonder if a new Mahara assignment type is in the making. The old assignment type can still work, as in Moodle 2.3 the old assignment module is still present (so that all old assignments can be recreated with in the new Module after which the old one can be removed), but in the longer run we will need a new assignment plugin (and/or the Mahara repository).


Paul Nijbakker's profile picture
Posts: 10

03 July 2012, 4:12


FWIW, I can confirm that (at least in our test set up) the Mahara Moodle local plugin and the Mahara assignment type appear to work in a Mahoodle environment consisting of Mahara 1.5.1 and Moodle 2.3. It does require, however that the old assignment module in Moodle is activated and eventually a need for a new Mahara assignment type (or a repository) remains.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

05 July 2012, 4:24

Hello Paul,

There are no active plans that I am aware to update the current Mahara assignment plugin to work with the new 2.3 assignment type that is more flexible. Most people do not want to make any big investments into this plugin because it depends on MNet which is going to go away eventually though it has not yet been decided when.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

07 July 2012, 3:25

Hello Paul,

Although there is no curren plan to update the existing Mahara assignment submission plugin, the University of New South Wales asked us (Catalyst IT) to design a solution for a Mahara assignment submission plugin using Moodle's LTI support. The solution would also allow for the archiving of the submitted pages as they are assessments and thus have to be kept.

You can read about this feature proposal on the wiki and discuss it in this forum topic. If you are interested in co-funding this project, please let me know and I can put you in touch with UNSW.



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