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Windows Live Block

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

05 July 2011, 5:48

I'm having issues with the windows live block, since last month I can't embed anything, not bing maps, office web apps or calendars. It seems that microsoft updated skydrive, bing maps, etc and the urls changed. Is there an update version of this block? Or a workaround?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 92

06 July 2011, 1:22


Please Ask this Question to Gregor Anželj...

He  would be Better Guide for your Issue.....

I also used Windows Live Block It is working Fine.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

07 July 2011, 6:28

Hello Joao,

If Windows changed all its links (haven't tested it yet with my Windows test account), then the plugin would need to be updated / extended to allow for the new URL syntax.

If you are inclined to work with code, you could have a poke-around yourself. Gregor who developed the plugin won't be able to look into anything for at least 1 month.



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