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Can Personal Settings have defaults?

Scott Gage's profile picture
Posts: 64

04 July 2011, 21:13

Hi All,

Simple question - can personal settings have admin set defaults? I've had a request for Show controls to add and remove columns when editing a page to be checked by default for all users, but can find nothing in Site Administration to reflect this.

Personal Settings


Running Mahara 1.4.



Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

05 July 2011, 0:03

Hello Scott,

changing '0' to '1' in line 205 here 'addremovecolumns' => 0, in lib/user.php works for me,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

05 July 2011, 3:33

Hello Scott,

Yes, in the future. Catalyst is working on this. The code just needs to go through a review at this stage and will be ready for Mahara 1.5. You can read about the changes.



Scott Gage's profile picture
Posts: 64

05 July 2011, 18:20

Hi there,

Thanks for the tips - Dirk's solution works well and I'll be keeping an eye out for 1.5.


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