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Wiki is now powered by Mediawiki

13 May 2011, 9:19

Thank you to all the staff in Catalyst to have revamp the wiki and make it powered by Mediawiki. I really think this is a good idea.

But in the process we have lost the different translations.

Personally I like the system in the Moodle doc on the wiki (also powered by Mediawiki). So could we have similar features than on Moodle docs

1) The same address for any translation of the page, preceded by the language code (e.g.:  "" becomes "" for the French page

2) Add a box on the left with an automatic link to the different languages in which the displayed page is translated into

By the way, is there any mean to get what was already done in German, French and in the other languages, or do we have to start from scratch?

The wiki is dead, long life to the wiki


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anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 48

13 May 2011, 17:36

Dear Kristina:

Excellent  work! I find the new wiki better organized than the previos one.

By any chance, is it possible that the work you have done linking Mahara with MediaWiki could be a core feature of Mahara, so it will be easy to integrate with MediaWiki, same as happens with Mahara and Moodle?

Regards, Roberto.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

13 May 2011, 18:25

Hello Roberto,

Thanks for your post. I'll let you know next week.



François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

13 May 2011, 20:07

Hi Roberto,

We wrote a mediawiki authentication plugin which connects to the Mahara database to check user credentials. It is available from this repository:

As such, it's a plugin for Mediawiki and it doesn't need any modifications to Mahara.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 48

13 May 2011, 23:40

I undertand Francois, thanks for the clarification. I'll try the plugin.

Regards, Roberto.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

13 May 2011, 18:22

Hello dajan,

Thank you for your feedback on the wiki and translations of it. All content from the old wiki should still be available when you search for it. I found a couple of pages by searching for "français".

I'll leave the rest of your questions for Francois as he knows more about the wiki.



François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

13 May 2011, 20:16

All of the existing content has been transferred from the oldwiki to the new one (the old wiki btw will still be available for another week at just in case).

For example, the French translation (which is unfortunately quite out-of-date) is here:çais

As for making it easier to find translations, we're happy to reconfigure the version of Mediawiki that we are using ( Feel free to email Brett (who is the main person to thank for working through this migration) and I at: [email protected] and  [email protected] if you know what needs to be done.



François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

13 May 2011, 20:30

Also a quick note for those who are wondering about the SSL certificate. We are planning to buy a certificate that will be valid in most browsers. It just wasn't ready yet and we wanted to bring back the wiki as soon as possible.

However, it is signed by a very open and trustworthy organisation  (CAcert) which deserves to be in all browsers :) If you want to add CAcert to your browser, you can follow these instructions. It will make all of the certificates we use for development services (e.g. jenkins and gerrit) valid.



Geoff Rowland's profile picture
Posts: 108

30 May 2011, 7:56

Hi folks

A few questions/suggestions for the new MediaWiki setup

  • Are the instructions/scripts for the migration from Mindtouch/Deki Wiki to MediaWiki publicly available? (e.g. on a Wiki page Wink)

    We are considering doing the same migration locally, but most of the information I can find is for going the other way.



François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

30 May 2011, 21:36

Hi Geoff,

The scripts we wrote are here:

As for the help pages, it would be a great idea. Can you email me your wiki username? I'll give you the necessary rights on the wiki.

Finally, in terms of the WYSIWIG editor, what do others think? I personally find it a lot faster and more convenient to not have to fight with the broken HTML formatting that Mindtouch used to have and to go straight to the code.



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