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FacebookLike and TwitterTweet buttons

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

19 April 2011, 6:53

Blocktypes for adding FacebookLike and/or Twitter Tweet buttons to your Mahara views can be found at

Twitter Tweet button has not beed tested a lot, so if anyone could test it, I would appreciate it.


Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

20 April 2011, 12:25

Twitter works as expected. Thank you very much. I don't do facebook so can't tell right now.

Quick question on both: Do facebook or twitter gain any kind of access to user data of any kind?

BTW-Link to view includes a period at end and throws an error.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

24 April 2011, 21:48

Hello Gregor,

Thank you for these two plugins. Here's my test report. Smile

I used the dev version of Mahara 1.4 under Ubuntu 10.4 in a local installation as I can't put it on a web server (code always needs to be reviewed before put on one of our company servers; besides I don't have access to any).


The installation was easy and did not produce any error messages.

Using the block types

Including the blocks into a page was easy. I liked very much that the title can be suppressed and that the line that would normally appear if you have an empty title isn't shown. It would be great to have that added to all block types in Mahara. I filed a wishlist item at

When I saved the page that I got error messages (see below). Both buttons stayed on the page though. When I changed the settings and clicked "Done", no error message was displayed.

Tweeting from the Twitter block went as predicted: I needed to sign in and was presented with the pre-made text. Additionally, a short URL to the actual page appeared. When I had tweeted, the tweet showed up in Twitter shortly afterwards, but not with the shortened URL. Instead, the long URL was shown.

Pressing the Facebook Like button (no thumb but the Facebook F) did produce a count of "1" after I signed in, but there was no update in my Facebook stream. I thought there was supposed to be something posted. Even after about 15 minutes, nothing appeared on Facebook. Including the button into another view and testing it with both "Like" and "Recommend" did produce a message in my activity stream on Facebook. Strange that this was not the case the first time.

Removing the update from my Facebook stream and "Unliking" / "Unrecommending" the post resulted in the buttons returning to their normal unliked and unrecommended state.

So, all in all, the buttons work, but upon first saving of the page several error messages occur. I don't know if that is due to the fact that I use a local installation or if others also see these error messages.

Cheers and Happy Easter Monday. I hope finding the problem for the errors doesn't result in a huge Easter egg hunt.


Error message

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: tweettext", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twitte...", 75) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: tweettext", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twitte...", 75, array(size 8)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twittertweet/lib.php:75

PluginBlocktypeTwitterTweet::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeTwittertweet", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

[WAR] 34 (blocktype/twittertweet/lib.php:76) Undefined index: layout

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: layout", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twitte...", 76) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: layout", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twitte...", 76, array(size 8)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/twittertweet/lib.php:76

PluginBlocktypeTwitterTweet::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176


BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeTwittertweet", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

[WAR] 34 (lib/pieforms/pieform.php:1210) Invalid value for select "layout"

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Invalid value for select "layout"", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pie...", 1210) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(1024, "Invalid value for select "layout"", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pie...", 1210, array(size 2)) at Unknown:0

trigger_error("Invalid value for select "layout"", 1024) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:1210


pieform_element_select(object(Pieform), array(size 11)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:1376

Pieform->build_element_html(array(size 11)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:657

Pieform->build() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:822

BlockInstance->build_configure_form(true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:574

BlockInstance->render_editing(true, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1461

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

Pieform::info("Invalid value for select "layout"") at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/pieforms/pieform/elements/select.php:118

[WAR] 98 (blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:52) Undefined index: layout

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: layout", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 52) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: layout", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 52, array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:52

PluginBlocktypeFacebookLike::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeFacebooklike", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

[WAR] 98 (blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:71) Undefined index: layout

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: layout", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 71) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: layout", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 71, array(size 8)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:71

PluginBlocktypeFacebookLike::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeFacebooklike", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

[WAR] 98 (blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:72) Undefined index: action

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: action", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 72) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: action", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 72, array(size 8)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:72

PluginBlocktypeFacebookLike::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeFacebooklike", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458


View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

[WAR] 98 (blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:73) Undefined index: color

Call stack (most recent first):

log_message("Undefined index: color", 8, true, true, "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 73) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/errors.php:444

error(8, "Undefined index: color", "/home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebo...", 73, array(size 8)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/facebooklike/lib.php:73

PluginBlocktypeFacebookLike::render_instance(object(BlockInstance), true) at Unknown:0

call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 2)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1176

call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeFacebooklike", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance), true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/blocktype/lib.php:578

BlockInstance->render_editing(false, true) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1458

View->addblocktype(array(size 4)) at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/lib/view.php:1182

View->process_changes() at /home/anitsirk/code/mahara/htdocs/view/blocks.json.php:46

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

24 April 2011, 21:55

P.S. Would it be much work to replicate the Twitter blocktype for, the open source version of Twitter? Wink

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

25 April 2011, 14:14

Don't know, will check it - but theoretically I think there will not be much work...


Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

27 April 2011, 15:07

Created an account on (well, I guess I did - got conformation email and stuff), but I can't seem to use it... Is there an instalation, which I can use - to test things and stuff?


François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

27 April 2011, 17:52

Hi Gregor,

The place were you probably want to have an account is, the free Twitter alternative.

(StatusNet is the name of the software that runs the Identica site.)

Once you have an account, feel free to come and join us in the Mahara group :)



Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

03 May 2011, 14:32

It is more difficult than I expected. Also I am working on integrating survey "system" for creating/using custom surveys into Mahara.

When I get the time, I'll check StatusNet ( integration...


François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

08 May 2011, 19:06

Hi Gregor,

This might help you with the Identica integration:



Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

09 May 2011, 1:07

Francois thanks. I've spotted that one about two weks ago, but when a user wants to use it and is not logged into there is no login form...

I guess I can use it and write somewhere that you need to be logged into prior of using the button...


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