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How to list views?
13 April 2011, 7:34
Is there a way for admin or teacher to list user's views?
As an administator, I want to see the list of views and I want to visit the views.
Jong-Dae Park
13 April 2011, 9:05
If you click an user, it will take you to user's profile. And you will be able to see all the views if they are public under (user's) Views.
Is that what you want?
13 April 2011, 18:31
Thanks for your comments. It is a little inconvenient to find the views in that way when there are a lot of users and I want to find some views. I want to find sample views for demo or I want to find some views by searching tags or keywords. Thanks.
14 April 2011, 4:06
We developped a blocktype to embed in a view (only for the global admin of our mahara server) to list all views that are "public in WWW" or "for logged-in". The views are listed by surname. It is also possible to search for public views (title and description).
To see an example you have to register at and visit our "admin's eportfolio" at
In this portfolio collection you also can see some further statistics that usually are available only in the admin's section of mahara.
Our development was a little to late for version 1.4 but when there is lively interest we of course provide the source code to be integrated in Mahara 1.5.