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Quarterly newsletter of / for the Mahara community

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

25 March 2011, 23:03


At the last Developer Meeting, we decided to issue a quarterly newsletter of / for the Mahara community. That will be an online newsletter in the form of a blog here on the web site for which I will be responsible for the time being.

The newsletter highlights achievements during the previous 3 months (or for the first issue a longer time frame) period, sites that use mahara in an exemplary way, tips for mahara, new sites that use mahara, current developments / finished developments of features etc., recent presentations.

The items are ideally written by the people who want to share something. In general, the articles can be short (100-400 words) and link to longer pieces, e.g. when you blogged about it.

I am thinking about approx. 10 articles per issue.

If you want to include something in the upcoming newsletter, please send me a message / email either with the full text, a link to your blog / web page where the article appears.

The deadline for the 1st issue is March 29, 2011.

I am looking forward to your suggestions for the newsletter. If we have very many submissions, I reserve the right to keep some for the next issue or to combine news items of a similar kind.



P.S. Hat tip for this initiative goes to the Koha community.

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