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RSS forum feeds into moodle

dan attwood's profile picture
Posts: 37

08 March 2011, 4:02

I have a forum set up in mahara and I want the rss feed from this to  feed into a block on my Moodle frontpage.

I have set up the moodle rss block and added the feed which looks like 

I've selected to add this to the block and it pulls the new forum topic titles as expected but the links on the topics point to not back to the mahara site.
Any ideas?
François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

08 March 2011, 19:12

It sounds like the feed is using relative links instead of absolute ones.

I haven't been able to reproduce this problem though (I tested master and 1.3_STABLE).

Can you create a bug report on the tracker and attach a copy of your feed (the atom xml file)?

(Please mention the exact version of Mahara you are running.)



dan attwood's profile picture
Posts: 37

09 March 2011, 2:48

thanks for that bug #731824 now filed:

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

09 March 2011, 13:58

Hi Francois,

I tested the atom feed that Dan put on the bug tracker and put it into our Catalyst Moodle demo site (I left the RSS feed on the homepage for you to see). The items are linked to the base URL and not to the items in the Mahara forum.

I did not have problems reading the feed in my mail program, and clicking on the "Read more" link led me to the correct discussion.

I also added the community feed and it does not go to the forums either.



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