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Mathematical notation

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 3

26 February 2011, 22:47

I am exploring how to include mathematical notation in views intended for online courses that I wish to offer using Mahara.

So far, I cannot get Mahara's html translator to recognize MathML (math markup language) generated by such open-source web site packages as Amaya or by cut-and-past from the proprietary equation editing plugin Mathtype.

Is Mahara not yet capable of handling MathML?

I did obtain nicely formatted equations using html code generated by the website This is an elegant approach but requires real-time access to the codecogs website when the html is rendered on your browser. (See the code example below.)

Does anyone know about other solutions? In the long run, I hope MathML becomes a standard part of Mahara if it is not so already. A built-in icon-based equation editor would be especially nice.


Code example

<p><a href="\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}= x^{3}" target="_blank"><img title="\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}= x^{3}" src="\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}= x^{3}" alt="" /></a></p>

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 64

27 February 2011, 0:18

I second it about maths notation in a view. It could be done with the same way as Moodle.

One solution I can think of is to upload the file and use 'Some HTML' under files, images and video.

But it is not the best way to do.

I wrote a feature request about html box rather than text box. And I recommend you to write a feature request at .


François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

27 February 2011, 21:59

It looks like both TinyMCE and HTML Purifier filter out MathML tags:

So right now, the external image service is your best bet.

Feel free to create a bug for this on the Mahara tracker though (and please link to this forum thread).

HTML Purifier mentions MathML under "Extensions" here:

This could potentially be used:



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 3

28 February 2011, 8:56

Many thanks To François and earlier to Shinichi for helpful comments and advice about mathematics notation. I will follow their suggestions to create a "bug" to suggest inclusion of MathML recognition in future versions of Mahara...and check some of the other links suggested.

Best wishes,


PS I hope to use Mahara to build a community of physics researchers spanning from secondary school to postdoctorate. Mahara seems to be a great software environment for this and will be even better still once mathematics can be more transparently included.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 64

01 March 2011, 15:19

I don't think is for mahara. It uses flash and it won't work for iPad, iPhone and iPod. I'm not a Mac person, But many schools use Mac and nowaday iPad as well.

Javascript based plugin will be better for Mahara.

How about this?

It works on iPad.

Or this,

or this

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

06 March 2011, 6:39

I am involved with the MathJax project and I would like to point you to MathJax ( as a possible way to display mathematics on Mahara. From what I am reading in this thread, I think it may be exactly what you are looking for.

MathJax is an open-source Javascript technology that renders mathematics on the web. It works on all modern browsers (including smartphones, iPads, and other tablets) and requires no plug-ins, fonts, or other client-side installation. It supports both MathML and LaTeX. Besided crisp math display at every zoom level, MathJax offers copy-paste mathematics and integration with Assistive Technologies to speak math aloud for people with visual impairments. All of this is very hard or impossible to achieve with picture-based solutions.

If you'd like to see MathJax in action, please have a look at this example on Connexions:

I am not aware of current integrations with Mahara, but it is usually straightforward to integrate MathJax with other online platforms. See for some pointers to other integrations.

Hope this is useful, and drop a line via the contact form at if you'd like to discuss this further.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 64

06 March 2011, 7:49

@Hylke Koers: Thanks for your links. I tried all of my suggestions and found none of them worked. At least my initial attempts. Wiris uses deprecated php, editordemo did not work by some reasons. I was giving up almost.

Actually I bookmarked Mathjax before but I forgot about it.

Thank you for your comment. I will try it asap.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 64

06 March 2011, 13:37

It worked! I wrote a blog about it here. Sample may not able to see until tomorrow,

François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

06 March 2011, 16:17

Hi Hylke,

Thanks for jumping in. Your project does look like a superior alternative to the flash-based plugins.

I can't remember if it has been done yet, but if it hasn't, then I would suggest that someone who cares about this feature should file a bug for it on our bug tracker:

(including the projects mentioned in this thread)



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

06 March 2011, 19:38

I filed a wishlist item at

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