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Resume to CV

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 3

20 February 2011, 10:38


I notice a feature request has been put forward for ways to change resume to cv, just wondered how soon this might happen?

Also I've changed the lang packs for the resume artefact to reflect CV rather than resume, I know its advised to create new lang packs, but I've missed one somewhere. On the main page I still have "Create your resume", can anyone tell me where I've missed it please.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

21 February 2011, 3:19

Hello Gareth,

I don't think the language change from resumé to CV will happen. It was a suggestion and as the use of the word depends on the regional English you use, both versions are correct. One way around that would be to create an English (UK) and an English (US) version.



steve P's profile picture
Posts: 122

22 February 2011, 23:13

Look for $string['createyourresume'] towards the end of /lang/en.utf8/mahara.php

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