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Moodle 2.0 -> Mahara 1.3 Integration Documentation

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

23 September 2010, 21:25

Any formal/informal documentation on integrating Moodle 2.0 and Mahara 1.3?

Feel like I'm pretty close to getting it...just missing some small detail...

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 11

27 September 2010, 23:02

Just today, I got SSO working from Moodle 2 RC1 to Mahara 1.3.1 (on Windows Cry)

Tried with a previous version of Moodle 2 with no joy.

Here's a few of the gotchas I experienced:

  1. moodle's wwwroot doesn't have a trailing slash, but mahara's does (it's there in the comments in the config.php file, cause it's set automatically
  2. When trying to redo public keys, the next version looks the same as the previous version if you just look at the front of the key -- look to the end of it to be sure.
  3. Various bits of the host information must be manually deleted from the database if you're redoing it-- not enough to delete the profiles.
  4. I seemed to need to set the open_ssl conf file locations manually in config.php for both moodle and mahara; neither is reading the environment variables (probably just a windows thing).

So I can now SSO from moodle to mahara, and go back from mahara to the logged in moodle session (set up in moodle peers services tab). I'm now looking at what the portfolio plugin in moodle can do for me.

I have a bit of a moodly problem still, which is that it's impossible to login without commenting out a particular line in the moodle code; but this is related to ms-sql (another Cry) and select distinct on ntext fields.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 72

15 October 2010, 0:59


I upgraded a Moodle 1.9 with Mahara 1.2 which already had SSO enabled to 2.0 RC 1 and 1.3 and the links still work fine for SSO.  Also pleased to see Mahara editing on the iPad.  Roll on.

Just working on enabling the repository side now - to allow use of Mahara files in Moodle.

Interested in progress of others.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

15 October 2010, 3:59

Hi Richard,

Did you make any code modifications to your Mahara install to work with the iPad? I've heard from a couple of people that they can't create blog posts in Mahara, but they are still using 1.2. Maybe it works in 1.3 just fine.

I'd also be interested in knowing how you are faring with the repository. When I tried it several weeks ago, it didn't work because of some bug on the Moodle side.



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 72

15 October 2010, 5:33

Hi Kristina

No mods needed, the ones recommended for 1.2 have already been incorporated into 1.3.

I'll get back to you with news of the rest of the repository - does not appear to much documentation readily available yet.


ps you have to use HTML (at least para tags anyway) to make sensible posts using the iPad!

Lino Oliveira's profile picture
Posts: 54

18 October 2010, 13:15

Hi Gregor

Fantastic! the solution you provide works like a charm.
I am using Moodle 2.0 RC1, Mahara 1.3.2 and XAMPP 1.7.1 in Windows XP Professional SP3.

Thank you very much!

Best regards from Portugal

Lino Oliveira

Lino Oliveira's profile picture
Posts: 54

18 October 2010, 14:16

I have now a problem during configuration of Moodle-Mahara integration.

I am following a Mahoodle.pdf found somewhere and stop at "Configuring the XMLRPC plugin" section.
I can not found the place to access Administer Authorities.

Some help is needed.






Lino Oliveira's profile picture
Posts: 54

18 October 2010, 14:34

OK, sorry, I found it.

I need to add XMLRPC authentication plugin first.

But, if I have both Moodle and Mahara in the same server, what configuration should I made_


Lino Oliveira's profile picture
Posts: 54

20 October 2010, 11:10

Anyone know how to use Mahara ePortfolio plugin in Moodle 2.0?

Aparently I have everything configured but nothing appear in discipline resources or activities.

Also: it is not possible to have Mahara as a repository?

Regards from Portugal

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 808

20 October 2010, 15:43

I've managed to get the portfolio part working.  There are a few settings & permissions in the Moodle admin area that you have to enable.  I forgot to write them all down, but if you spend enough time clicking around in the admin area you'll find them.  There are three that I remember: you need to enable portfolios as a general setting somewhere, then you have to enable the specific Mahara portfolio plugin (and choose a Mahara host you already set up in Networking), and you also have to go to all the role permissions and choose which bits of content your users are allowed to publish to their portfolio.

It's pretty basic so far - what you get is a 'Save' button next to some of your Moodle content in the forum, glossary, & database modules.  You can export those bits of content to Mahara, either as an html file in your Mahara files area if you choose html export, or as Mahara blog posts if you choose Leap2a export (theoretically any Mahara artefact could be created by the Leap export, but the only Moodle things I found to export were pretty generic bits of text).

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