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GoogleApps in 1.3

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4826

16 March 2011, 3:11

Hello Dirk, Gregor and Husman,

We are looking into getting GoogleApps and Live@EDU accounts for Mahara (Live@Edu if I can find anybody to contact) so that we can the developers can use these for development and also for testing. At the moment that is in particular for Gregor's cool plugins.

Does anyone of you have the free GoogleApps account? If so, would the URL's be the same as in the GoogleApps for Business and for Education accounts? Dirk and Husman had posted some in their replies on Wed, 06 Oct 2010, 6:04 AM and on Mon, 11 Oct 2010, 10:18 AM. Before creating a GoogleApps account, I'd like to know if we could go for the free, limited account which would be fine for the docs part or if we would need an education account.

Thank you


Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

20 March 2011, 23:26

Hello Kristina,

is this what you are looking for? Both are links to 'Document'

Free Google Apps doc:

Google Apps Education Doc:

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4826

25 March 2011, 19:45

Hello Dirk,

Yes, thank you. Iñaki could secure a GoogleApps for Education account for testing of the plugins. So hopefully that will facilitate the development and testing process in the future. He can also get a Live@Edu account and will check the conditions on that one out.



Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

22 October 2010, 5:06

New GoogleApps blocktype for Mahara 1.3 (version 1.0.5 - 2010102200) can be found here:

Now it also support the embedding of Google Docs for Educational domains, embedding of Google Books and embedding of PDF, TIFF, PPT, DOC and DOCX files, directly accessible over the internet via Google Docs Viewer (works same as the preview in Gmail).


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 8

22 October 2010, 7:13

Hi Gregor,

This new version looks interesting. I will try and have a look at it this weekend and provide some feedback.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 92

22 October 2010, 8:55

Hi google book feature is new & very Interesting.

but issue is when we go to the then go to the book link.

then we search the perticular book & get the embedded code but that code not working in Mahara.

when you go to the then search & get the embedded code then it is working fine.

Please Chek & correct that Issue.

Give me the feedback for the same.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 92

23 October 2010, 6:30

Hi Geogre,

can you give me hint for the how to embeddedd the Picasa Code?

Are you planning to add this Functinality?

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 92

26 October 2010, 23:17

Hi , George

I am still waiting for your reply.

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

27 October 2010, 3:35

First of all, my name is Gregor, not George or Geogre...

I am on holidays this week, so that is the reason, I was not replying on your message...

As far as the message: I am confused, I don't quite undestand, what is your problem. Could you provide more details on what is not working.

You say that embedding works and later you say that it doesn't work - please supply exact code that you have embedded and IS working and also the one that IS NOT working.

As far as Picasa goes... Yes I am planning to write a blocktypte that will support embedding Picasa slideshows, albums and photos. It will also support embedding of Flickr slideshows, galleries and photos, and maybe some other proto sharing provider.

But the core functionality will be different, so it will have to be a completely new blocktype.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 92

27 October 2010, 5:33

Please try this Embedded Code

<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border:0px" src="" width=500 height=500></iframe>

I  will give you step that you can follow.

1. Go to

2. Click on book link.

3. Search Perticular book. get the embedded code.

4. These embedded code not working.

Sorry for wrong prounsation of your name.

Please try give me reply.