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GoogleApps in 1.3

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

22 September 2010, 16:02

Hello Gregor,

Thanks for yet another update. The regular maps work great and thanks also for adding the help.

BTW: I linked your plugin also on the wiki at



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 48

26 September 2010, 16:10

Hi Gregor:

Once I have uploaded the plugin to mahara artefact directory, i get the following error:

"googleapps Not installable! class PluginArtefactGoogleapps for type artefact in plugin googleapps was missing"

I am using Mahara 1.3.1 and the GoogleApps blocktype v1.0.4.

Any advise? Thanks in advance.



Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

27 September 2010, 4:08

As the name "GoogleApps blockytpe v1.0.4" suggests, it is a blocktype and NOT an artefact, so you should upload it to the blocktype directory (NOT the artefact).

Then you should be able to install and use it.

Hope that helps!

Regards, Gregor

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 48

27 September 2010, 22:39

Yes, of course! Embarassed

I am still getting familiar with Mahara's architecture, and I was mislead by the title of the "Artefact plugin" section of the wiki, where I first found your script.

Thanks for the clarification, and thanks specially for the great plugin. Now working fine.

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

28 September 2010, 1:57

No problem...

Glad to hear, it's working...

Have a nice day,

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

28 September 2010, 2:03

Hi Roberto,

Sorry. That was my mistake. Thanks for putting it under the new heading "Blocktype" on the wiki.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

06 October 2010, 6:04


Thanks for this great plugin, it works well.

As you know google allows institutions to use googleapps with their own domain. This means anyone using their own domain gets a different URL to the default googledocs url.


A case in point is a spreadsheet im currently using, which shows the URL as ''

This spreadsheet fails to show up in mahara, using your block. However I have edited and tested the block, and it now works with my domain. Heres the change I made:

lib.php [line 140]

'url'   => '$1',


To make this work for any domain, is a simple case of parsing the URL and adding:

'url'   => '$url/ccc?key=$1', where $url is the url in question and can be set as a global variable in lib.php by the user.

I suggest you add this as an addition to the 'before july 2010' and after 'july 2010' urls, so that the blocktypes supports all 3 types of URL's. This would have to be repeated in function make_apps_url() for google calendar, docs, spreadsheets and presentations.


I hope you find this useful and do include these modifications in a future release of the block. If you need me to test or edit the code, let me know and I'd be happy to help.

Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

06 October 2010, 14:59

This would be a fantastic addition for us  as we are using our own domain with google apps.

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

07 October 2010, 7:33

Is it possible for both of you, to paste here the links to some dummy files for google calendar, docs, spreadsheets and presentations.

I need to see the exact links (and differences between your institution links for google docs, google spreadsheets, etc.).

I wasn't aware of the fact that google allows institutions to use googleapps with their own domain. So I need to work on that (read: inform myself about that). Any help would be welcome!


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

07 October 2010, 9:12



First of all, red-cheeked, Id like to apologise for making the mistake of saying, google maps are allowed for institutes - its not. Google apps for institutes includes Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sites, Videos and Contacts.

Secondly, Id like to ask, if you knew why the block size is being restricted to about 800px width in mahara, my spreadsheet is quite large and I would like to get it as widely fitted into the view as possible.

And finally, unfortunately the URL I specified in the previous post is generated when a private document is shared with a user. (i.e. that spreadsheet was shared with me by a colleague and I tried to publish it) Usually when you share a document as a webpage, the URL is the default one you set up.

I believe that document permissions and ownerships plays a role in determining what URL is created by googledocs.


But, the URL i pasted previously:

Is what google generates for me, when i try to share a document that I didnt create, but have permission to edit.

(in the link above, is the url of my institute). Hope that helps.