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Mahara as lab notebook

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

09 September 2010, 5:49

Does anyone have any experience of using Mahara (or any other e-portfolio system) as a lab notebook in a research context?

I've just started as an ICT Project Manager at the University of Bath, UK, with responsibility for setting up a virtual research environment in the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies. One avenue I'm looking into is providing ways for researchers to share experimental protocols and associated data.

The university is piloting Mahara at the moment, so I'm interested in knowing whether it's something that we can repurpose for researchers as well.

Thanks in advance,

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

09 September 2010, 7:11

Hello Jez,

I can tell you that we are developing functionality similar to what you describe. Supporting a global network of researchers.  Maybe we can share experiences and ideas (maybe even technology).


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

09 September 2010, 15:13

Hello Anthony and Jez,

Were it possible to describe the functionality you are developing a little bit further, Anthony?

Jez: Currently, your researchers could use groups to collaborate, e.g. to upload their lab reports to the group file area or even their own and then making them visible in a group view. They can also use the discussion forums.

Or were you thinking more in terms of a wiki?



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

10 September 2010, 5:24

Kristina: that sounds like the sort of functionality I was looking for, though collaborative wiki-like editing would also be very useful.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

26 February 2011, 22:55

I hope the lab notebook topic is still active. I am also designing a Mahara-based framework for student research teams to share lab results, create an archive of in-house technical notes and prototcols, and work collaboratively on documents eventually intended for publication.

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