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Group Homepage, shared views

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Posts: 52

01 September 2010, 14:06

Another observation with 1.3.0cr1 -

Within a Standard Controlled Group, (and also within Course Group) it would seem helpful if the Shared Views module would be more specific if the View was shared with "Admin Only", "Tutor Only", "Members only", "You personally", or the "Entire Group".  Right now it just says "Views share with this group by others", which makes it hard for an Admin/Tutor to know if the student shared the view with the entire group, or the tutor only, likewise for student members.

Additionally, in a Controlled Course Group, if a student submits a View for assessment to a group, the View shows up twice in the Shared Views Module, once under "Views shared with this group by others", as well as "Views submitted for assessment" (or something like that).  It seems to me it only needs to show up once.

Lastly, should an Admin or a Tutor really have the option displayed to "Submit a view for assessment" to a group in which they are an Admin or Tutor?  This doesn't seem helpful, and adds clutter to the "Shared views module".

I'm not sure if these observations are bugs, or not.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

01 September 2010, 15:41

Hello Tim,

I filed your first paragraph as wishlist item at This would be a good addition.

There is a subtle difference between Shared Views and Views Submitted and I think it would be good to keep them. Shared views just says that the group can accesss them (depending on the permissions). They can look at the  view while it is still being worked on.

When a view is submitted, it is locked and items in it can't be rearranged until it is being released. That could be used for assessment purposes or when the feedback giver wants to be sure that things don't change in a view (though certain information can be updated, e.g. profile; blog posts and files are locked in 1.3).

Your last observation is an interesting one and I think it would be good if a few more people using groups put their heads to it and played through some scenarios.

IMO, your comment is correct when you look at it from the Student / Tutor / Teacher perspective and want to use assessment portfolios. However, I do not see the Submit View possibility strictly for assessment. I can also imagine groups of users who are more on equal footing to use it, e.g. when they want to give each other feedback. That could be the case in a professional development setting. Then everybody in the group could have admin / tutor rights and should be able to quickly submit views without having to go back to their portfolio overview.

Does anyone have other scenarios where it may be useful to have the admin / tutor submit views?

That said, the placement of all this information could be changed. ;-) There will be some UI work in the near future and looking at the groups module is part of that.



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