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Goldsmiths: Good explanatory Mahara use image
19 August 2010, 19:32
Google alerts and Twitter updates for Mahara have become my daily reading so that I can see what people say about Mahara, where we might add comments, offer help etc. But I've been reading these Twitter updates and blog posts to gather examples of Mahara uses, tutorials, videos etc. that I gather in a couple of places:
- Diigo group Everything Mahara
- wiki page for presentations
- wiki page for tutorials (usually not just one video etc., but more comprehensive tutorials)
- YouTube group for any video about Mahara portfolios
So today I ran across a blog post from Goldsmiths College that answers some basic questions for their students, e.g. why Mahara, what is the difference to their LMS (Moodle) and so on.
Included is a nice image that displays nicely how Mahara can be used individually, but also by groups of people.