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Branding - what did you call it?

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

09 August 2010, 9:05


(this is my first post here, Hello seems only polite)

At University College London we have been piloting Mahara as an e-portfolio system for the institution. Initially we looked at it as a reflecting environment for teaching and learning, ignoring the social features. As a part of the pilot a number of people were making use of the social functionality instead.

Before we go heavy on a launch of the service, we want to make sure we have got the right branding for it. Unitl now we have been calling it MyPortfolio - however we feel this doesn't lean much in the direction of the social tools.

Arguably it may well be the social side that gets off the ground first, but that could also mean it may fail as a tool to satisfy the institutional needs. Regardless, we want to give Mahara a name which means more than just a portfolio if we intend to advertise it so.

My question is, what did you call your Mahara?

We called Moodle by the brand name, and this is tempting with Mahara too...


Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

09 August 2010, 10:23

We simply call it MaharaCool, even if it sounds like the Spanish word 'majara' (loony, nutty), It has helped us a lot with the training, documentation, visual theming, etc. Plus people wanting to share experiences with those outside our institution have an easier time finding other people working with it: they just come here or google the name Wink


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

09 August 2010, 18:41

Hello Matt,

And welcome.

Like Iñaki, we also just called it Mahara for the Bachelor in Educational Sciences at the University of Luxembourg. Students can use it as social network, but mainly do their portfolio stuff in there.



Roger Emery's profile picture
Posts: 49

17 September 2010, 10:14



to go along with our moodle branded as myCourse

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