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Mahara/Moodle integration /
how to stop "change password"

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

17 July 2010, 2:26

moodle/mahara integration done well. but when a user from moodle enters to mahara for first time he/she asked to change the password, before continue on mahara. we don't want user to remember another password. so, how we can stop this password reseting.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

17 July 2010, 21:05

Hi Suchitra,

That is normal Mahara behavior you are describing. The developers know the technical reasons behind the setting of a password, but I just give you the gist. ;-) The password does not change the Moodle password and if students are supposed to log in to Mahara via Moodle, they don't have to remember it at all. They just need to set it upon the first login.

With the networing between Moodle and Mahara enabled, students just log in to Moodle, click on the Network Server link to Mahara and are logged in to Mahara. To make it easier for the students to find the Mahara server link, they can also put it onto their MyMoodle page, cf. the first part of this tutorial).



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

18 July 2010, 0:12

Hi Suchitra

This is controlled by the options you choose when you set up authentication plugins in Mahara.  This document has useful information:

To the best of my memory, when I set it up, under "edit institutions" with Moodle as my default institution I put XMLRPC authentication above internal in the list.  

I only allow registration and login on Moodle.  This means, for example, you can have ldap authentication in Moodle then only those users can ever reach your Mahara site - which for us was good.  I also disabled self-registration in Mahara so there is no other way to logon unless you are the admin.

Hope this helps.



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