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Profile intro not saving

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

06 July 2010, 0:05

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something not quite right in the install (or something I don't understand about Mahara's workings).

Information entered into the Introduction text area on the edit profile page is lost.  The information stays visible to the profile author and to visitors as long as the profile author is logged on.  When the profile author logs off it stays visible to the visitor until the profile author starts a new browser session and logs back on again. 

This has happened with more than one user.

I'm using SSO from Moodle 1.9.9 and have Mahara 1.2.4 installed on Debian using mySQL.

Thanks if you can help,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4882

06 July 2010, 15:53

Hello Richard,

This sounds very much like the introduction field being locked. That means that it takes the information from Moodle. Students can put in new information in Mahara and it is saved at the first instance and displayed, however only for this session.

You may want to check if you locked your introduction field in "Site Administration" -> "Administer Institutions" -> "Edit" [the institution in question] -> and then display the "Locked Fields" option.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 808

06 July 2010, 17:04


When you have the 'update user info on login' setting enabled in Mahara's xmlrpc configuration for the Moodle institution, the fields that get copied from Moodle to Mahara are hardcoded: town, country, language, introduction.

So without modifying the code, your only options would be to either uncheck 'update user info on login' so that none of this stuff is copied from Moodle, or else to lock the introduction field in Mahara to indicate to users that they shouldn't edit it in Mahara.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 72

06 July 2010, 18:52

Thank you Richard and Kristina.

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