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Mahara/Moodle integration /
integration via shibboleth

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

28 June 2010, 9:43

Is any body working on a shibboleth mahara?

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

29 June 2010, 0:40

Another vote for this one...

29 June 2010, 1:44

Just back from the French MoodleMoot where I presented Mahara and questions around Shibboleth were on the menu.

Universities and other institutions are demanding.

Therefore, an other vote for that feature.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 47

29 June 2010, 20:16

Hi all,

In one word - yes - NetSpot are working on one, and I'll be taking over the implementation project in August or thereabouts. Can't say much about timeframes yet as I haven't got my head around where we're up to with the development, but you can read more at (announcement near the bottom of the newsletter) in the AAF section.



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 12

29 June 2010, 22:02

hi Mark,

Mate that's awesome news. We're currently using CAS in a big way, but have Shibboleth firmly on the radar. It's great to see NetSpot looking to get into development in such a valuable way.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 7

29 June 2010, 23:54

Yes. See

If you not a member of the AAF you can use the openid CAUDIT wiki
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anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

05 July 2010, 5:05

Hi, I am from germnay . I have installed Mahara 1.2.4.

Have a question: is the shibboleth-plugin implemented or will implement??? i need the plugin!!!!!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

05 July 2010, 16:44

Hi Angila,

Currently, Shibboleth is not implemented in Mahara. However, as you can see from Mark's previous post, NetSpot is working on it. Stay tuned and watch this space.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 6

06 July 2010, 6:25

thanks for the info.

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