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Multiple auth type problems (LDAP & XMPRPC/MNET)

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

23 June 2010, 6:47

Im having problems using LDAP authentication in combination with the XMLRPC plugin (authenticating via MNET).

It seems that the user accounts are duplicated, one with a username of "disdd" and one "disdd1".  I was hoping that it would be possible for the same user to log in by clicking a link from Moodle, but also if they land on Mahara directly then they should be able to log in there using their LDAP account.  Moodle uses LDAP authentication so the usernames are exactly the same.

I have read over possible solutions both here...

... and here...

However, the bug report and patch are not available as the bug tracker at eduforge seems to be offline.

I have tried putting $cfg->usersuniquebyusername = true; in my config.php file but that just stops me from logging in via Moodle.

Is there something I'm missing?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

24 June 2010, 0:21

Hi Dale,

I can't help you with the tech details, but if you want to read up on the bugs, you can do so at for the discussion at and for the discussion at

The bug tracker was switched to launchpad from sourceforge and it's a bit tricky to find the old bugs. If you want to look for them, it is best to do an advanced search on "mahara-eduforge-bug-[number of the bug on eduforge which is the 4-digit number right behind "aid=" in the URL]". Make sure to tick all boxes under the "Status" heading.


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