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Mahara Logo TTF font

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

08 January 2009, 6:58

Does anybody know which font is used for mahara logo and where can i get it?
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 84

08 January 2009, 17:10

Hi Gregor, you can use the font of course but the use of the mahara logo itself is restricted to those who have express permission to use it. e.g mahara partners.



Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

08 January 2009, 18:19

The all newly installed mahara sites are automatically outlaws, as they display the Mahara logo by default Surprised

Saludos. Iñaki.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 84

08 January 2009, 19:32

Good point! Foot in mouth I should have qualified to meaning 3rd party sites not Mahara installs as such.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

08 January 2009, 21:00


 ... this is sounding me like the start of some loooong discussions that happened time ago in another OSS project about its logo/name. Does your previous message mean that I cannot use the logo in my blog? Does it mean that I've to request you for explicit permission to use it in, say, one presentation promoting Mahara? Is it a matter of for profit/non for profit distinction? Or commercial/non comercial?

Note I'm sure (hope) logic will prevail and uses like the commented above (blog, presentation) won't be a problem. But in any case, from my experience, it needs to be clarified ASAP. Ask to the big Moodle cousin about that. ;-)

Ciao :-)

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 84

08 January 2009, 22:13

Hi Eloy,
Absolutely, pragmatism and logic prevails. It is only to in the case of misrepresenting the Mahara community for commercial ends, and in that sense it is as much for the protection of Mahara users as it is the core team who is putting a lot of effort in. If someone were to misrepresent that they are officially behind or associated with the project by way of using the logo then that is something we should protect for everyone's sake. Not that I'm suggesting for a moment that this is how the topic has come up. It is good to clear it up and I will write something to that effect in the About section. Please feel free to use the logo in blogs and presentations - thank-you for doing so!


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4829

16 September 2009, 13:40

Hi Richard,

Does this all means that I would not be able to use the Mahara logo on a workshop certificate?


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 84

16 September 2009, 16:08

Hi Kristina,
Not at all, we simply protect the logo in the case where non-community members are taking commercial advantage of the brand. I'll send you a high resolution version for print purposes if you wish?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4829

17 September 2009, 13:07

Hello Richard,

Having a high-res image of the logo would be fantastic. .eps should work best because it is smaller than .tiff, but I can work with any image extension that you send as I have Adobe Creative Suite.

Thank you


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 84

17 September 2009, 16:02

On its way


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