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RSS problems

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Posts: 26

21 September 2009, 9:19


I have installed Mahara V1.1.5.

the RSS feed is static. they don't update...


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

21 September 2009, 13:33

 Hi Nigel and Richard,

I have the same problem as Cristian on our installation. 

Furthermore, I cannot use all RSS feeds anymore.The error message is "The feed appears to be invalid. The error reported was: Invalid input: this is not valid XML."

Some work, but others don't. Frown The ones that don't work and that I have tried, are:

The first two feeds are from our WordPress blog site which we will be using with our students for their open / course blogs.

I assume by looking at the feed URLs that Mahara may look for a certain pattern, but I can't find any just among these 4 addresses. My Google Reader picks them up so I know they are all valid. But beyond that...


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

21 September 2009, 18:30

Hi Kristina - probably best to open a bug report (or WR depending on priority) for this, so we will remember to investigate.

Sometimes rss feeds might be produced that are actually invalid, and sometimes it might be due to other problems. It looks like your first feed for example, uses an invald SSL certificate (it's http but redirects to https), which is causing the feed downloader to play it safe and refuse to download it.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

22 September 2009, 13:15

Hello Nigel,

I'll alsoput in in our WR list.

For the first two feeds, you are correct that they re-direct to an htts that causes problems. We are working on this to be cleared. The second two (newspapers) seem to be of a different natured problem. Once you will have had a look at our install (cross my fingers for "soon"), you will have a better picture.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

22 September 2009, 17:53

Well the last two aren't even RSS feeds, they're HTML pages listing feeds Wink

I'm not sure what we could do about those really.. they offer the choice of more than one feed so it's hard to know what the user intended (unless there is a <link> element in the header that tells us where the "main" feed is). 

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

23 September 2009, 15:18

I'm sorry about all my examples, Nigel. Next time, I also import them into my feed reader first to see that they work there for sure. That's what I did with this feed:

It works in Google Reader, but doesn't show anything in Mahara. Is that me not seeing something again? Foot in mouth This time I clicked on the RSS symbol in the address bar, imported it into Google Reader and saw all the entries. Taking the URL and putting it into the RSS block in a view, I did not get a single post.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

23 September 2009, 17:35

I tried it on my installation, and it worked for me. Something to investigate when we get access to your system, I think Smile
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

25 September 2009, 9:46

Strange things going on on our server then. Frown I'll write the WR.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

21 September 2009, 18:27

Sounds like you forgot to set up the cron job.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 52

03 September 2010, 5:49

Our institutional blog platform is Wordpress and it's installed on https.  When I try to include an RSS feed from any blogs from our server, I get an errror, which says:

"There was an error with submitting this form. Please check the marked fields and try again."

Regardelss of 1.2.5 or 1.3.0cr, I can add many different types of RSS to a view, and everything seems to work fine - except for our blogs from our https wordpress server.  An example of one of my feeds is :

Any ideas how I can resolve this issue?

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