Diploma of Counselling - Gricel Mendez

This portfolio has been compiled to support my application for Recognition of Prior Learning for the Diploma of Counselling (CHC51715).

This portfolio outlines my work and life experiences as well as courses I have completed in Psychology and related areas.

Units I am applying for RPL

















































An Image

CHCCSL501A / 1- Use a structured approach to counselling. Elements 1,2 and 3

From 2002 till 2006 I worked as a counsellor for the Rape Crisis Centre, before that I worked as a family support worker and community services settlement worker at SLASA (1996-1998)The Spanish and Latin American Association for Social Assistance) where I worked extensively with migrants and refugees. As part of both roles I conducted counselling sessions where I had to:

1. Gather information about the client. In some instances I was able to know some information about the client from referral letters but most time the client could call and make an appointment to see me

2. Explained my role and the services my organisation provided. I covered some of the limitations of position (or funding) e.g. Maximum 6 sessions. Ensured that the client was aware of the role of the counselor and structure of counselling session. 

3. Explained legal and statutory obligations and boundaries, eg Mandatory reporting, policies and procedures of the agency, etc. Clients were asked to sign an agreement of their responsibilities and that of the organisation. They were given information about complaints handling 

4. Worked hard to establish a rapport with client by making client feel comfortable.  Provided a comfortable space for the client to sit (used couches instead of chair and desk). Greeted clients and used chit chat to get client talking. eg. Did you have any problems getting here? It is a bit cold today, did you have to walk a lot to get here?  

5. Asked open ended questions and read body language of client to assess their reaction. I was very aware of eye contact, tone of voice, position (how they sat), etc. 

6. Used opening questions such as " what bring you here today" 

7. I used a person centered approach in my counselling session, always empowering the client through discussions and decision making. 

 More recently as a head teacher I continue to apply these principles in my current job as a head teacher in the Personal and community services section at Macquarie Fields. Macquarie Fields has a large percentage of socially disadvantaged learners who attend our campus. They often disclose that they suffer from a mental health disorder and I have worked closely with the TAFE counsellor with learners at risk of suicide. We have organised initial interviews for several students where we both have attended (by request of the student) and explored the learner's concerns.


I have attached to support my application for RPL. 

1. A letter from Tim Fletcher (TAFE counsellor at Macquarie Fields) 

2. A job Description  from the Rape Crisis Centre

3. A letter from a previous supervisor at the Rape Crisis Centre

4. A job Description from SLASA

CHCCSL501A /02 Establish the nature of the helping relationship. Elements 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7

Again through my work as a counsellor (2002-2004) and family support worker (1996-1998) and more recently my work at TAFE (2003- present) my role included the following activities: 

1. Enable clients to understand the nature of the counselling service on offer by clarifying my role as a counsellor, policies and procedures of the organisation, we had translated materials for clients that spoke different languages which included information about the services provided, limitations set by funding, etc e.g. Maximum 6 sessions. Ensured that the client was aware of the role of the counselor and structure of counselling session. 

3. Explained legal and statutory obligations and boundaries, eg Mandatory reporting, policies and procedures of the agency, etc. Clients were asked to sign an agreement of their responsibilities and that of the organisation. They were given information about complaints handling 

4. Worked hard to establish a rapport with client by making client feel comfortable.  Provided a comfortable space for the client to sit (used couches instead of chair and desk). Greeted clients and used chit chat to get client talking. eg. Did you have any problems getting here? It is a bit cold today, did you have to walk a lot to get here?  

5. Asked open ended questions and read body language of client to assess their reaction. I was very aware of eye contact, tone of voice, position (how they sat), etc. 

6. Used opening questions such as " what bring you here today" . 

7. Addressed any concerns or apprehensions in coming to see me. For example some clients expressed a desire to see a male counsellor due to the sensitivity of some issues.  If this was the case and a male worker was available I respected the client's wishes and refereed them to a male worker.  Other clients had difficulty trusting a worker and felt pushed by doctors into counselling. with these clients I took a lot more time to explore their anxiety, establish a rapport and in some instances I asked permission from my manager to extend the number of sessions to 8 so client was not disadvantaged.   

8. I worked closely with STARTTS to make referrals for survivors of torture and trauma when I found it was beyond my scope and my personal and professional capacity to assist the client and establish a successful counselling relationship. 

9. In consultation with the client, develop, implement and monitor individual therapeutic plans

 Evidence attached: 

 More recently as a head teacher (2011- present)  I continue to apply these principles in my current job as a head teacher in the Personal and community services section at Macquarie Fields. My work with learners who are experiencing Domestic Violence, are seeking career advise or who disclose they have a mental health disorder have allowed me to work closely with the TAFE counsellor to organise interviews and respond to client's needs. Although I am clear about my boundaries and role as a head teacher I often have learners that feel comfortable to disclose or ask for assistance. In the past year I have had to work with two students that had to be scheduled due to concerns to their own safety. In one occasion the TAFE counsellor was not available so I called the local mental health assessment team who advised me to call an ambulance. In this extreme situation I interviewed the student to explore their current situation, I asked questions about previous attempts, current plans to kill themselves, access to weapons to try to establish the level of Risk of suicide.  . The student was very agitated and in distress. I had to explain to her that due to high risk and in line with our legal obligations we needed to call an ambulance and the mental health team. We asked her if she wanted us to call a support person or relative and her sister was called in for support. 

When the ambulance arrive they advised her that she needed to be taken to hospital. However after talking and reassurance she went voluntarily. In this instance we had to ensure she understood the legal obligations under the Mental Health Act 2007 to report a person at risk of suicide. Also that the police could enforce  an involuntary admission.  I listened to the client's concerns and anxiety however very gently reiterated that it was a legal responsibility to ensure her safety and that of her children. Made appropriate referrals. 


I have attached to support my application for RPL. 

1. A letter from Tim Fletcher (TAFE counsellor at Macquarie Fields) 

2. A job Description  from the Rape Crisis Centre

3. A letter from a previous supervisor at the Rape Crisis Centre

4. A job Description from SLASA

CHCCSL501A /03 Confirm the appropriateness of the helping relationship, Elements 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

As per previous statement in all my roles as