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Grading using LTI

Jackie Heenan's profile picture
Posts: 11

24 May 2024, 0:02

Hi All


 I admit I have only just started testing LTI between Moodle and Mahara and so far so good until I attempted to grade in Mahara.

I had the
'Mahara: Site unavailable
A nonrecoverable error occurred. This probably means you have encountered a bug in the system' 


logs are:

[WAR] 23 (lib/errors.php:537) [PieformException]: 
No function registered to handle form submission for form "assessmentgrading" at /var/www/mahara/docroot/lib/pieforms/pieform.php:582


I feel I haven't enabled something.
I don't if it is anything to do with the greyed out Callback URI under Web service configuration?

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

24 May 2024, 13:52

Hi Jackie,

It looks like your PHP setup is having issues calling the static submit function.

I've made a merge request to fix this issue

Can you please test it to see if it fixes the problem for you?


Robert Lyon

Jackie Heenan's profile picture
Posts: 11

30 May 2024, 2:23

Thanks Robert I have answered you on the link you provided

3 results