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XSS exploit in 'External media' block in Mahara before 20.10.5, 21.04.4, and 21.10.2

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Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 780

27 April 2022, 13:21

Vulnerability type: Cross-site scripting (XSS) / stored XSS
Attack type: Remote
Impact: Code execution

Affected components: The 'External media' block and anywhere you can enter HTML code, such as a text block, notes, journal entry, and forum post.

Suggested description: Mahara before 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2, and 22.04.0 are vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting when a particular CSS class for embedly is used and JavaScript code constructed to perform an action.

Reported by: Can't disclose
Bug report:
CVE reference: 2022-29584

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