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Cannot Export Leap2A/HTML

A.Emily's profile picture
Posts: 23

19 September 2021, 20:42


I'm still having issue to export any content whether just my page, collections or all my file. I even did a new installation but the issue still persist. I am out of option now. I'm using the latest version of Mahara. We install Mahara in Google Cloud Server which use Centos 8, PHP 7.2.24

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

20 September 2021, 9:51

Hi A.Emily,

Can I get you to checks some things to see what might be causing the failure of exports.

When you do an export for a person does the directory get made for them in the dataroot's 'export' directory?

As part of the export process a directory is made to store the data we want to export.

So if the person has ID  as 213 then in the dataroot's export directory there should be made a directory called 213 and inside that directory should be a sub-directory named with the timestamp the export was begun.

If there are no directories like this then it sounds like there is a problem creating these directories on export - so a permissions problem on the server level.

If the directories are created then inside the sub-directory should be files / folders containing the exported information and a .zip file that is the export to be downloaded. If there are files but no .zip file then it sounds like the ability to create a zip file is missing from the server.

You check that the php zip module is installed via php -m | grep -i Zip

If it is missing then it will need to be installed

Hope that helps



A.Emily's profile picture
Posts: 23

20 September 2021, 18:12

Hi Robert,

Oh my gosh, Robert. U really save my day. Turns out the php zip module was not installed. Finally solved the issue once installed. Thank you so-soo much😀


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