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Problem with the PHP Versions

John Doe's profile picture
Posts: 9

24 August 2021, 23:42

Hi all,

i'm trying to upgrade my mahara 19.04.6 to the last version, but in my case that's almost impossible. I've started two weeks ago, but still it is not working. It is just possible to do the upgrade to the v19.04.7. 

I would be really thankfull if someone could help me with the upgrade. I've allready upgraded mahara (last year) to the v.19.04.6, but there's no way to upgrade it to the last version.

I think that as a problem could be php version or php options. My mahara is working only with the php7.0 and if i try to update php 7.1 it is not working, i can't even login to the admin site :/

I've created a new linux server and even the new mahara 21.04 is not working with the 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 versions. I can login only if the php7.0 version is active, but then in admin page im getting notification, that mahara 21.04 requires min php7.2.5.

What i'm doing wrong?

Sincerely Jeff

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

01 September 2021, 8:49

Hi Jeff,

There is a difference between php 7.0 and php 7.1 in how it saves session data.

Can I get you to try the following to see if it makes a difference:

Go to your dataroot directory path as defined in your config.php file with $cfg->dataroot

In there you should see a 'sessions' sub-directory and in that directory you should see some more directories valued 0 to 9 and a to f in PHP 7.0 and should be 0 to 9 and a to v in PHP 7.1

If in PHP 7.1 some of the directories are missing you can delete the '0' directory and on loading any Mahara page again it should create all the missing directories.

Hope that helps



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