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How create a global navigation

AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

07 May 2021, 5:25


How do I set it up to create a global navigation (like HOME, DOWNLOAD, DEMO, ABOUT, COMMUNITY, PARTNERS) like the mahara community?

Thank you.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 761

07 May 2021, 11:25

Hi AB-Net

That menu is a customization for the site - it includes a special menu template within the top of htdocs/theme/raw/templates/header/navigation.tpl  file

    {include file="header/special-navigation.tpl"}

So it is not something that can be configured by the system



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

07 May 2021, 19:32

Hi Robert,

Thank you for the quick response.

> That menu is a customization
I understand.

Could you please provide a sample of "header / special-navigation.tpl"?

Thank  you.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 761

24 May 2021, 13:57

Hi AB-Net,

I can't provide an actual copy of the code as it's all intertwined with other code but I can say the menu works similar to how main_nav() works in the sense that  Mahara has an array of menu items that are then fetched within lib/web.php and displayed via a template (.tpl) file




AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

24 May 2021, 15:35

Hi Robert,

Thank you for answering.

I will try to set it myself by referring to the hint I received.

Thank you.


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