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There are two different public folders

AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

06 May 2021, 18:34


I install mahara 21.04.

Operating environment.
OS:Linux(Distribution unknown)
Web Server:Apache 2.4.6

I was preparing to use it with version 20.10, but I gave up because of many troubles.
We are waiting for the release of version 21.04 and are preparing for operation verification with clear installation.

I uploaded the image to a "public" folder to display the image on the Logout Page.
Immediately after installation, there was only a folder with the English name "public", and I uploaded the image to the "public" folder and set it to be displayed in the logout home. I did.
When I checked, there was a "パブリック" folder with a Japanese katakana name in addition to the "public" folder with an English name.
Is it normal that there are two public folders in English and Japanese?
How should I use them properly?

Thank you.

  • 2021-05-06_150949.png
Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 764

07 May 2021, 14:01

Hi AB-Net

There is a bug in the code and I've made a bug report for it

This happens if you switch the site's language

To fix it for you just put all the public files into the folder that is in the 'sites' language and then delete the other 'public' folder that you don't need



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

07 May 2021, 19:14

Hi Robert,

Thank you for the quick answer.

I deleted the English name "public" folder.

Thank you.


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