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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Trouble with internal Password

Anthony Taubin's profile picture
Posts: 22

22 June 2020, 22:31

I use mahara 20.04.

My students identify themselves to Mahara through Moodle SSO and at the first login Mahara does not ask for a password to new users whereas I put 2 authentications methods in the institution: moodle and internal.
If the user goes to his profile, he can't choose a password either since he is asked for his old password that he couldn't give.

Did I forget a parameter somewhere?
Please help!



Anthony Taubin's profile picture
Posts: 22

23 June 2020, 0:35

I've just checked the usr table and the password field is empty for users arriving via Moodle SSO.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

23 June 2020, 9:33

Hi Anthony,

It is correct that if a person logs in via SSO then they will not have an internal password.

But seen as you've added the external and internal auth methods it now make sense that they have an internal login password.

Currently a person cannot change a password via the Account Preferences page without knowing the previous password and old password field cannot be empty.

I'll add a bug report dealing with this problem ->

But for now there is a link on login box 'Lost username / password' link that should allow a person to set a new password.

Also as an administrator you can also set a new password for a person via the Administration -> Search users page by clicking on the username of the person you want to update. Here you can set a temporary password and set 'Force password change on next login' - tell the person the temporary password and they can login and are forced to change the password.




Anthony Taubin's profile picture
Posts: 22

23 June 2020, 19:51

Hi Robert

I just tested your patch on my installation and it passes the test you describe here

Thank you very much for your reactivity!


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