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Preview Mahara 18.10

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Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

01 October 2018, 14:08

Hello Mahara community,

We are pleased to invite you preview Mahara 18.10 and download the codebase and check out the upcoming features.

If you come across any bugs, please report them as soon as possible. We will then review them and decide whether they would need to be fixed before the stable release of Mahara 18.10.0.

We are planning on making Mahara 18.10.0 available in the last week of October 2018.

If you have a test server or a developer instance, please do a test upgrade. While we test in different environments, we may not be able to catch all exceptions that you deal with. Therefore, your testing on your own infrastructure would be much appreciated. But please don't upgrade your production site just yet. ;-)

Mahara 18.10 will have upgraded libraries to support PHP 7.2.

You can download the release candidate or access it on Git.

We have numerous new features in Mahara 18.10. They are all listed on Launchpad with the "nominatedfeature" tag.

This time, the major changes are the following:

  • New navigation menu structure
  • Submit a portfolio to an LMS via LTI
  • View old versions of your portfolio in a timeline
  • Create a page based on tagged content automatically
  • Set up institution tags
  • Explore other people's portfolios via their tags
  • Support blind peer assessments
  • Sign off and verify portfolio pages
  • Set up a custom landing page after login
  • Edit plans directly within "Edit" mode of a page
  • Copy group portfolios into group member's accounts automatically
  • Set up instructions for a page.

We are in the process of updating the user manual and a number of the new features are already documented and accessible via "New in Mahara 18.10".

You can view a list of all the bugs that have been fixed and new features that will go into Mahara 18.10.

If you reported bugs and they have been fixed, pay particular attention to them and check that all is working now.

In case you find new bugs, please report them on Launchpad so we can consider fixing them before the 18.10.0 release:

If bugs are found that are critical to the working of Mahara, we may produce another release candidate. Otherwise, this release candidate will become the final 18.10.0 release.

You can use our developer instance to check out the new features of Mahara (that don't require site administrator access) if you can't install it yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Mahara 18.10 Release Managers at Catalyst

Cecilia Vela's profile picture
Posts: 110

08 October 2018, 15:19

Hello Mahara community,

The second preview for Mahara 18.10 has been released! This is expected to be the final release candidate before the official release of Mahara 18.10 this month.

We will appreciate your active participation in testing Mahara 18.10 to find any bugs or issues before the official release.

If you have the chance to set up a Mahara instance on a test server or upgrade your test on a test server (not your live production site!), you can download the release candidate or access it on git


The 18.10 Release Managers at Catalyst

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