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Links in some cases doent work

Hakan Hayit's profile picture
Posts: 2

13 September 2018, 17:59


we installed mahara. In some links we get a page not found error because mahara adds an additional "/mahara" into the link.

The question ist why some in sections the link ist right and some not?


Thank you for your help.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 767

14 September 2018, 8:38

Hi Hakan,

Hmm that is strange - can you give me an example of where a link is bad vs a link is good? What part of the site were you using?

Steps taken to create the bad link vs. the good link would be useful as would examples of the HTML output from the browser.

Also, is $cfg->wwwroot set in your htdocs/config.php file and does it match the value in the database?

SELECT * FROM config WHERE field ='wwwroot';



2 results