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Deprovision of user accounts and groups

Claudia Frank's profile picture
Posts: 2

27 February 2018, 21:12


We're wondering what would be the smartest way to deprovision user accounts and groups in Mahara. Has anyone else thought about possible solutions?

These are some of the challenges we have discovered while considering deprovisioning accounts and groups in Mahara:

  • How to handle inactive groups that have received submissions? (A submission unfortunately stays locked and undeletable for its author after the group it has been submitted to has been deleted.)
  • How to deal with group views (and comments) when a user from the group has been deleted?
  • What to do with groups that don't have a group admin anymore?

We would love to hear from anyone who has dealt with these challenges or has any ideas about possible solutions.

Best wishes,

Claudia (UAS Munich, Germany)

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 761

28 February 2018, 11:21

Hello Claudia

I'll try and answer your questions

1) How to handle inactive groups that have received submissions? (A submission unfortunately stays locked and undeletable for its author after the group it has been submitted to has been deleted.)

There was code in version 1.5.0 to unlock views when group was deleted

However the code to unlock collections of views was not added until version 17.04.0

But if you are using a 17.04+ version of Mahara then submitted things should be unlocked after group deletion

2) How to deal with group views (and comments) when a user from the group has been deleted?

When a user makes a page / collection in a group the associated items are owned by the group (not the user)
When a user makes forum topics / posts / comments and then user is deleted they are kept but displayed as being authored by 'Deleted user'

3) What to do with groups that don't have a group admin anymore?

The groups with no admins/members looks to be an issue that needs sorting out. It is reported here

Hope that helps?




Claudia Frank's profile picture
Posts: 2

01 March 2018, 1:38

Hi Robert,

yes, this helps us a lot, thank you so much for your explanations!

Best wishes


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