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Upgraded to 17.10 but theme is all wonky

Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

15 December 2017, 9:30

Went back to the default theme and for some reason the menu goes to mobile view on certain pages.

tested and it would appear like this on:






(Basically, all the main pages)

Mahara theme issue.png


Any ideas why this could be happening?

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 759

15 December 2017, 10:41

Hi Robin,

It looks like the css for the site has not been updated.

If you deploy the code via git then you'll need to

1) run the 'make css' command from parent to htdocs directory

2) hard refresh your browser to fetch the new css files


If you use the zipped version from and place the new files over the top of the old files make sure any old .css files are removed as old and new files may be clashing

also a hard refresh your browser to fetch the new css files may be in order

you can also bump the cacheversion so browsers should see css files as new and fetch them again


- for postgres: update config set value = value::int + 1 where field = 'cacheversion';

-for mysql:  update config set value = cast(value as unsigned) +1 where field = 'cacheversion';



Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

15 December 2017, 13:33

Thanks Robert. I'll give that a shot!


Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

21 December 2017, 7:15

Hi Robert,

The directory is entirely new when installed, and then our system admin copy over the modifications from the old site. There were no CSS files copied over.

I've also tried clearing the cache in Mahara and reset browser cache. But that did not seem to help either.

There are several javascript errors on those pages which relates tries to load js/mochikit but there is not js/mochikit to load from in Mahara root dir.


 I did a it of Googling and found this, But it seems to relate to Mahara 16.10.0.


21 December 2017, 8:27

Hi Robin,

How did the admins copy over the customizations? Did the copy whole files or just the code/row changes?

It sounds like they may have copied too much. MochiKit was removed for versions 16.10+ and now we use jQuery for javascript things in the code.

If the lib/web.php file has  $javascript_array[] = $jsroot . 'MochiKit/Packed.js'; (approx line 414) it means you are somehow using an old file.

You may also be experiencing problems if you are using a custom theme and have not updated your templates to reflect the state of the 'raw' or 'raw_old' theme (depending on which navigation style you want). You will need to update your theme's 'themeconfig.php' file and set the $theme->parent to which one you choose.

With custom themes you can delete templates from your theme that do not need to differ from the parent (raw or raw_old) one and the system will use the parent one instead.




Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

21 December 2017, 11:41

Hi Robert,

It's a copy of the whole files ( i.e.  1383  cp -a /data/shares/kpu/mahara-16.10.2/theme/sunset .)

Did the suggestions below, but no change.


Here's what I've got from our sys admin:

I had a look at lib/web.php but it loads jQuery not MochiKit.
So then I did a grep across the whole directory for MochiKit (case-insensitive and recursive):
lib/web.php:    // Make jQuery accessible with $j (Mochikit has $)
lib/pieforms/pieform/elements/expiry.php:    // Same with the select. And do the events using mochikit signal instead of dom events
lib/pieforms/pieform/elements/bytes.php:    // Same with the select. And do the events using mochikit signal instead of dom events
lib/errors.php:/** include unpacked mochikit */
lib/config-defaults.php: * * the unpacked version of MochiKit will be used
(The lib/web.php line at the top matches a comment but the actual code loads jQuery)


Also to note, we are testing this in dev mode, not production mode. However, we've tried switching it to production and clearing cache but problem still persisted.

Could it be plugins that maybe causing the issues? But nothing seems to point towards that.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 759

21 December 2017, 14:53

Hi Robin,

Looking at what you posted it says 'theme/sunset' - the sunset theme in Mahara is an old theme that is not compatible with Mahara 17.10.

You will need to start a new theme (see htdocs/theme/ on how to do that) and then copy any custom changes from the old sunset theme into that



Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

22 December 2017, 7:02

Hi Robert,

We are currently using the Default theme, nothing calls for the sunset theme. In fact, it doesn't show up in the drop down for theme selection.

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