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Jawyei Wong's profile picture
Posts: 23

20 April 2017, 15:14

Hi there,


Is there a process to clear the files in the maharadata/temp directory? Is it included in the cron job? Are we able to remove old files sitting in that directory without consequence?

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

21 April 2017, 17:33

Hi Jawyei

There currently nothing to clear that easily

In function clear_all_caches() we clear the dataroot/dwoo section so we could adjust that to also clear the dataroot/temp section as well.

Then all you'd need to do is hit the 'Clear cache' button on admin page

Though to be safe we should close the site before doing that so as to make sure no-one is currently trying to access the temp file (or only clean up ones that are over a certain age).

Feel free to try adjusting that and if you do flick me the code change you made and I'll try and get it into core



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