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web service client

Osbel Rondón's profile picture
Posts: 23

26 March 2017, 10:09

Hello everyone
I am trying to consume a mahara web service from an external page but it throws me a postgres syntax error. Does anyone know where the problem may be? I have tested the service on the test client that has Mahara and works perfectly

This is the code I have written


 $serverurl = 'https://localhost/mahara_otro/htdocs/webservice/rest/server.php';
 $token = '71a446ccf819b2208e66d447fd5ddd42';
 $params = array(
     'wsfunction' => 'mahara_user_get_online_users',   // the function to be called
     'wstoken' => $token, //token need to be passed in the url
 $client = new Zend_Http_Client($serverurl);
 try {
     $response = $client->request('POST');
     var_dump ($response->getBody());
 } catch (exception $exception) {
     var_dump ($exception);


And this is the result:


string '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<EXCEPTION class="SQLException">
<MESSAGE>Failed to get a recordset: postgres8 error: [-1: ERROR:  error de sintaxis en o cerca de «LIMIT»
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM &quot;external_tokens&quot;  WHERE &quot;token&quot; = ?  LIMIT 2
                                                            ^] in EXECUTE(&quot;SELECT * FROM &quot;external_tokens&quot;  WHERE &quot;token&quot; = ?  LIMIT 2&quot;)
Command was: SELECT * FROM &quot;external_tokens&qu'... (length=569)


Thanks in advance

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

27 March 2017, 10:21

Hi Osbel

I can replicate the error you are getting. We need to add a check to see if the token is supplied before trying to check that it is unique.

I've created a patch to deal with this:

Where we check existence of $token and return normal error if missing

Please let me know if that fixes your problem



Osbel Rondón's profile picture
Posts: 23

27 March 2017, 14:28

Hello, Robert

I already added your patch and the error is precisely that the token is invalid or not supplied

Now I get the normal error message. "<MESSAGE>Access control exception : Invalid token selected or none supplied</MESSAGE>"

How can I know now if the token is invalid or not supplied?

I keep abreast


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