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16 March 2017, 8:56
Hello everyone
I'm doing a mahara plugin that adds an item to the main menu.
I need that page to have a submenu with two elements (personal and professional) and to do so modify the submenu_items () function of artefact \ deduko \ lib.php as follows:
public static function submenu_items() {
$tabs = array(
'subnav' => array(
'class' => 'deduko'
'personal' => array(
'page' => 'personal',
'url' => 'artefact/deduko/personal.php',
'title' => get_string('personal', 'artefact.deduko'),
'profesional' => array(
'page' => 'profesional',
'url' => 'artefact/deduko/profesional.php',
'title' => get_string('profesional', 'artefact.deduko'),
if (!get_config('licensemetadata')) {
if (defined('DEDUKO_SUBPAGE') && isset($tabs[DEDUKO_SUBPAGE])) {
$tabs[DEDUKO_SUBPAGE]['selected'] = true;
return $tabs;
Then in the pages artefact \ deduko \ personal.php and artefact \ deduko \ professional.php create a forms and I showed them as follows:
$Smarty-> assign ('personalform', $personalform);
$smarty->assign('SUBPAGENAV', PluginArtefactDeduko::submenu_items());
$Smarty-> display ('artefact:deduko:personal.tpl');
Fatal error: Call to a member function assign() on a non-object in htdocs\artefact\deduko\personal.php on line xx
If anyone knows that could be causing this error please help me.
Thanks in advance.
16 March 2017, 9:07
Hopefully you have initialized smarty first, like:
$smarty = smarty();
$smarty->assign('personalform', $personalform);
$smarty->assign('SUBPAGENAV', PluginArtefactDeduko::submenu_items());
Further I think $smarty should be lowercase and there should not be any spaces before and after arrows (->),
like $smarty->assign etc.
HTH, Gregor
16 March 2017, 13:40
Thank you very much
The mistake was a simple change of upper and lower case