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customising mahara
07 March 2017, 19:42
I have installed mahara and started making small changes in php code.
I believe need to make huge changes in order to achieve the following:
1-Need a menu link (Navigation menu link) at the top for all type of users which would take the users to a page, say xyz.php, in the site.
2-Need to write php code for CRUD (with auto-complete search box using AJAX for searching tags) operations in xyz.php
3-How to add php script that can be called by AJAX to get JSON data?
This is what I tried so far:
I tried adding 'Menu' (under Administration/Configure Site/Menus) as an Admin but it ends up in the 'links and resources'.
Then I tried 'debugging' the code by running in IDE. Found main_nav() and standard_nav() to be responsible for menus. Can I just add an element , say 'link_to_crud', in the menu array to create a new Menu item? I am thinking I can add a static page, say 'xyz.php', somewhere in the site that can be accessed by all types of users just by clicking on the 'link_to_crud' menu link. But where and how? I do not know.
I am thinking I could copy a file under 'htdocs/view/view.php' and place it under 'htdocs/view' or copy 'htdocs/admin/index.php' and place it under 'htdocs/admin/'. Is this the correct way to add a new "physical" page to the site?
Any page that I add should retain the theme that mahara will have at any time. What code modification will affect this when I add a new "physical" page to the site?
I am completely lost regarding how to make the AJAX call to my own php script to retrieve JSON data.
I have a two month deadline to complete a number of modifications to mahara and I am hard pressed for time and knowledge of Mahara. Any help would be lifesaving.
thanks in advance.
13 March 2017, 12:43
Hi Nagarajan
Lets see if I can help.
For the menu item there is a hook to allow one to add items to the navigation menu
To use the hook you create a htdocs/local/lib.php file and in it do something like this:
// Local menu item
function local_main_nav_update(&$menu) {
$menu['link_to_crud'] = array('path' => 'link_to_crud',
'url' => 'xyz.php',
'title' => 'My new one',
'weight' => '50', // higher the number the later the menu item appears
This should add in a menu item on the main level of the navigation
If you want a submenu item, say under the Portfolio section, then change the first bit to:
$menu['myportfolio/link_to_crud'] = array('path' => 'myportfolio/link_to_crud',
To make a new page the best way is to copy an existing page.
To make the page fit with the system we need to do something like:
make a page htdocs/xyz.php and add the following
(based on the page being linked to under Portfolio main menu)
define('INTERNAL', 1); // if one has to log in to see the page
// define('PUBLIC', 1); // if they don't need to be logged in
define('SECTION_PLUGINTYPE', 'core');
define('SECTION_PLUGINNAME', 'view');
define('SECTION_PAGE', 'link_to_crud');
define('MENUITEM', 'groups/collections');
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.php');
require_once(get_config('libroot') . 'view.php');
$form = array(
'name' => 'testform',
'method' => 'post',
'plugintype' => 'core',
'pluginname' => 'view',
'elements' => array(
'tags' => array(
'type' => 'tags',
'title' => get_string('tags'),
'description' => get_string('tagsdescprofile'),
'defaultvalue' => array('one', 'two'), // some default values for field
$renderform = pieform($form);
$smarty = smarty();
$smarty->assign('form', $renderform);
$smarty->display('xyz.tpl'); // the name of the templat eto display our page with.
And we need a template to show the form - so we create a file htdocs/theme/raw/templates/xyz.tpl
And in it put:
{include file="header.tpl"}
Here is my tags field to search with:
{include file="footer.tpl"}
That now should create a menu item that links to a page, xyz.php and on that page
should be one form field that is a 'Tags' autocomplete field
Hope that helps