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Settings - Notifications - Wall Post help is missing

Scott Gage's profile picture
Posts: 64

07 February 2017, 13:44

Currently testing 16.10 at my University and found that when looking at the help for Settings - Notifications - Wall Posts you receive the following error:

"An error occurred trying to retrieve the help page."

I tracked down those help files to lang/en.utf8/help/forms but there isn't one for activityprefs.activity-wall.html.

Thinking it may have just been missed in my version I grabbed latest and it wasn't there. Then I checked the same area on and got the same error!

Looks like it's been added and the associated help has been missed :)


As a side note why am I not allowed to link images from I keep getting an error that "A URL in this field contains the blacklisted domain org/artefact/file/download.php."

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

09 February 2017, 12:17

Hi Scott,

Thank you for pointing these issues out to us.

I've added a patch for review to fix the missing help file, see

The problem with antispam blacklist problem is a known issue as well, see, and have added a fix to for that.

Both fixes should be out in the next release



Scott Gage's profile picture
Posts: 64

09 February 2017, 13:27

Great, thanks Robert!

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