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New Errors in 16.10 with Chrome

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 761

16 January 2017, 14:10

Hi Patric,

The error message in the returned json information occurs when an item is being fetched by ajax/json but the session has timed out before the .json.php page is called

Which could happen if one is on a page for ages without navigating away then goes to a pagination on a block.

Is this what is happening for you?





Patric Lougheed's profile picture
Posts: 97

17 January 2017, 12:57

Hi Robert,

I have had reports that multiple students are seeing this problem. They are all using Chrome on Macs and I see it sometimes when I follow the confirm registration link when I get registration requests. I login, click on the approve button and it logs me out. I login again and the approval worked but then I click on the confirm button and it logs me out again.

As this only happens in Chrome I suspect it might have something to do with enabling http2 protocol on my server. I am going to disable it and run some tests.

Patric Lougheed's profile picture
Posts: 97

18 January 2017, 7:41

Early reports suggest HTTP2 protocol on the Apache server is the issue. Appears to make Mahara sluggish (script loading) and does not keep session data with Chrome on Macs. I suspect issues I was having was linked to using the 32 bit version of Chrome for the PC. After upgrading to 64 bit I have not had the same issues. 

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