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Mahara/Moodle integration
Mahara-Moodle assignment locking/unlocking behaviour
21 December 2016, 17:33
Good day,
We are using Moodle 3.1 and Mahara 16.04.4. We have Moodle courses where Mahara portfolio pages/collections are submitted by students as part of Moodle assignments .
Once Moodle assignment has been setup and students have submitted their Mahara pages, a subsequent change in "Lock submitted pages" under Submission types in Moodle assignment setup page does not apply to students' previously submitted Mahara pages. It works only for new pages submitted after the setting's value change.
Below is the test case:
1. A lecturer/teacher sets up an assignment in Moodle with due date, Submission types = Mahara, Lock submitted pages = No
2. Student 1 submits Mahara portfolio page/collection via Moodle
3. After the Moodle assignment's due data, the lecturer/teacher changes Lock submitted pages = Yes, but unlock after grading
4. Student 1 logs in to Mahara and accesses submitted portfolio page/collection >> The page can still be editable
5. Student 2 submits Mahara portfolio page/collection via Moodle assignment
6. After submission, Student 2 can no longer edit the submitted Mahara page/collection
We would like Mahara related pages for all submitted assignments in Moodle to get updated as per new setting value. Typically,
• If "Yes, keep locked" is selected - lock all previously submitted pages
• If "Yes, but unlock after grading" - lock all previously submitted pages, but keep unlocked those which were graded.
• If "No" is selected - unlock all previously submitted pages.
Anyone interested who'd want to co-fund towards this fix/change? Please get in touch with me.
Thank you.